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Old 01-27-2013, 05:54 AM
villagelightsmith villagelightsmith is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Oregon
Posts: 148
Default What's the going price for an eye?

Ho-kay, what am I bid for one slightly used left eye? It's good as new, and baby blue. (You brown-eyes might wait until another comes up for sale.) The reserve on this sale is set at a very reasonable $3500, as that is my cost of a replacement. Remember, Folks this is a Left eye only, custom fitted and custom painted by a well known anatomical artist. What am I bid? Starting at $3500 ....

You need a Right eye, you say? What is my 'selling' price? I'll tell you. Come at night. Bring lots of friends. And bring lots of body bags, because you're gonna need them. You see, when I lost my "spare eye", the price, the value of my remaining (right) eye shot upward like a homesick angel.

If I had 2 eyes and it were possible, would I consent to give my "spare" eye to anyone who had none? The distinct forms of nature and 3-dimensionality of the world are forever lost to me. Trees look like Matisse paintings, blotches without depth. It is a foolish question. Give my spare to someone who is blind? I wouldn't even blink, but rather seize, with a death-grip, such an opportunity to give something so ... priceless, and never look back. But in a single blinding (groan!) flash, a foolish blunder took out my spare eye, rendering my one remaining eye ... forever priceless. (Yet, I still might consider giving it to a younger person.)

I still love things that go fast, make noise, and blow up. Just remember; losing one eye is but a mild inconvenience, a minor nuisance. But losing two eyes is just about as easy as losing one. Don't be afraid of living; just be careful. And be wise.

Now, about that 17 Fireball I'm building....
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